Lonza plans to invest around CHF 850 million in the construction of two new state-of-the-art mammalian facilities.
The investment will strengthen the company’s operations in Visp, Switzerland, and Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Of the facilities, Visp (CH) will expand capacity by six 20,000L bioreactors to cater to biologics demand over an area of 27,500 m2
Portsmouth (US) will support scaling clinical to commercial manufacturing with a capacity for up to eight 2,000L bioreactors. The new facility will have an area of approximately 3,000 m2.
Strong growth in the Biologics market is encouraging the company to invest significantly in developing its infrastructure, through expansion of both large-scale and small-scale manufacturing capacity.
The plant is scheduled for commencement of operations in 2023. It will complement the existing single-use network at Lonza sites in Hayward (US), Slough (UK), Tuas (SG), and Visp (CH).